Saturday, March 8, 2014

What's Social Media And Properties Of Social Media

Social Media Complete Guide :

The peoples become advance and they enjoying his life very well against the old generation peoples. When we tank about the past then we find that very one have a low amount of friends and they can not gave an information to all over the world. But now these all things is possible and that all is possible with help of Social Media Websites / Platforms. In this article you will learn about that What is social media ? and what is the properties of social media? This article help very much spicily beginners. As i asked that people become advanced that now every one is able to share his information with all over the world and peoples also able to make friends in all over the world. Here in this article i disuse that how can we use the social media for businesses, how to use to grow our blogs / websites using social media, social media and marketing, social media platforms and much more. However if you want that i explain some thing which you don't understood or we did not explain in this article then ask me in comments section and i will write a article regarding your demand.

social media properties

What is Social media ?

A online place or platform in which people enable to socially with one another. OR A online platform in which peoples can share his ideas , information with one another e.g example Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Digg, Youtube, Blogs etc.
Another example of social media is that a place in which every one can connect with one another, OR A sharing platform in which you can share your information with all over the world. In above example i talked about Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Digg, Youtube etc but i don't explain all the best social media websites in this post now but i want to gave some explanation about Facebook and Youtube, so we first discuss the Facebook and after that Youtube:

Why we can said that Facebook is social media website :

Facebook is the world number one social media platform where we can share our information with one another, we can upload our images , videos and much more. This is a short note  however we will share more learning post soon about the Facebook. So why we said that this is a social media website or platform because we can share our information with all peoples whose use the Facebook platform and this will be not be wrong that if a person use Internet and they have do'not a Facebook account. We connect all our friends and family and we can share every thing with one another just because this is a social media platform.

Why we can said that Youtube is a Social Media Platform :

We all know that Youtube is the world number one video sharing website which is owned by the world number one web search engine Google and why we can said that youtube is a social media website just because this is a free video share website from which people can share his videos with all over the world, OR People can share his information, ideas in the shape of videos with one another and every platform which help people to connect with one another and people can share his information with one another is called Social Media.

Some Common Properties of Social media :

There are many properties of Social media and i can't explain all this post but i will soon do a post about the all properties of Social media.

You can share information on Social Media websites :

Social media platforms is a good place to share your information with one another e.g example you can share your text articles, images, videos, websites links, etc

You can chat with one another on Social Media Platforms :

You can also can get help to connect with one another using chating tool in social media websites, e.g example you can chat with your online friends on Facebook.

You can share videos on Social Media websites :

Social media platforms is best way to share your videos with one another, you can upload you videos to Facebook, Youtube etc and then you can share easily with your friends and family. Always upload videos to those website which on the top of people heard- just like Youtube and if you upload videos to Youtube then every one can view it easily in all over the world and they can also find the video easily using the search engine.

Promote your Business on Social media platforms :

Social media can also help you very much to promote your business, Here i gave an example that how to promote business on Social Media e.g example if you want to promote your business online so for this social media is best sources for you. As i asked that i am gonna to give an example that if you want to sell your products online, e.g example if you have want to promote your business on Facebook then make a page  for your business and advertise. This will gave you a new way to make a good income with your business. This is a very simple example however i will share more information about this topic soon.

Increase Visitor From Social Media :

You can also increase your visitor from social media platform. Share your website links on you social media profile or your wall of and make a good amount of visitor form Social media.

How to make money online From Social Media :

You can also make a good income online way from social media websites / platforms, but you never can not earn online PPC ads ( pay per click advertisements) using Social media platforms but there are many ways form which you can get a high amount of earning online from social media just like Affiliate Marketing , your own ads and much more, in this paragraph i explained shortly about earning online with social media however i will publish a post soon about the earning ways from social media.

Message :

Share this post with your friends on your social media profiles and Make your social media profile or page peoples friendly ant this will help grow in social media filed. Always be happy and take care.


2 Responses to “What's Social Media And Properties Of Social Media”

Preety Uzlain said...
March 16, 2014 at 9:51 AM

Hi I am Preety,

Nice article, please share some tips for YouTube video and video optimization

Sikandar Haidar said...
March 21, 2014 at 10:22 AM

Thank you dear......... And we always to try our best to share free tips and i will share tips about youtube soon.

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