Tuesday, February 18, 2014

9 Best SEO Tips For Blog Post

How to Optimize Blog Post with SEO Tips :

Every blogger want to find always his website/blog on top in search result and for this they work hard and hard. SEO (search engine optimization) is the first and final source of a website to shown on the top of search result. Website seo is very important for a blog, make a blog is easy but work on a blog is very hard and make a good earning with blog is so hard. Making money online is defend on the website articles and it's seo.
My this article is about SEO content writing / writing Blog Post With SEO. The blog post is the main point of a blog and if you do make a post with seo content writing then you can not claim on the top of search engine result.
Now in this article i am gonna to tell you about the writing complete seo post.

Best seo tips for blog post

Also Read The below :
What is SEO Search Engine Optimization
SEO Tips For Professional Blogging 

Here are some Ways to write a Complete SEO  Post :

Keywords Research :

Keywords research is the main point of a blog post if don't use keywords in your post then you can't get high traffic form search engines. Every person use the keywords for his blogs and this the one of the top seo ( search engine optimization) option.
For keywords research Google lunched Google keyword planner, use the Google key word planner to find high quality keywords for your post.
Just sing in the Google AdWords and in the "tools" drop down menu select the keyword planner. Use always high quality keywords for your blog post.

Optimize Post Titles :

Title is the king and if your king is bad then here is no option to  move your blog on the top. Use your keyword which you find or download before writing post and write a good looking and meaning full title for your post. Use good looking title regarding your topic. If you are writing about the "How to optimize blog post title" so for this hope this " SEO tips To  Optimize Post Title" is much better then how to Optimize blog post title.

Optimize Post Image :

Most new blogger use the image in post only to show his blog post handsome. But they never think that this image can make a good visitor from search engine. Always optimize your post image use Title tag and Alt tag. Always use those type of image in your blog post which is related with your blog post.

Key Words in Post :

Use your high visited keyword in your website post, use high visited keyword in your first paragraph and also use bold or italic option for high visited keyword which you use in your blog post. The setting will help you search engine to index your blog post and show your post on the Top of search result. Also keep in mind that use best key words in your blog post which in related with your post topic.

Optimize Heading :

Optimize your heading with best key word which is related with your post. Use h2 tag for heading always.
Use the below option in blogger to use a h2 tag for your Heading.
use heading tag in blogger

Optimize Subheading :

Optimize you subheading with h3 tag, In Blogger just select the you text and then click on "Normal in top menu  and then click on Subheading.

Internal Linking in Post :

When ever you write about a topic then always do some talk about those related topics which you explained on your website, for example you are writing about the "Make Money Blogging" and you already explain the Google AdSense , BuySellAds , Infolinks etc, So gave your related link with your related keyword. And always use your best keywords for your related links.

Use Your own Post URL :

Always use your won Post URL , for example if your blog post title is " How to earn with Google AdSense" So for example your auto link is e.g " www.yoursite.com/how-to-earn-with-google-AdSense" This link is not good for SEO and this will be very best for you if you gave this link e.g "www.yoursite.com/earn-with-adsense" for your post.

Write Search Description for your post :

Always write a 150 characters meaning full description for you blog post, e.g if you written about " 7 website to download Blogger templates" then for this your description is " A list of websites to download free blogger templates free of cost. You can also find best SEO templates in these websites "

Final words :
Always think unique and do your every post with these seo tips and this will be great for you and if you do not follow the seo tips then you can not get a high traffic from search engine.



1 Responses to “9 Best SEO Tips For Blog Post”

Unknown said...
August 19, 2014 at 1:44 AM

I feel glad to read the information of SEO. The proper use of seo may resulting into excessive business. Thanks for the post. SEO Services Singapore

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