Saturday, January 25, 2014

What is Blog? and What is

what is blog, what is blogger, what is

In this article, i am gonna to tell you about "What is blog?" , and What is".  If a person wants to make a website then i hope the first thing to make a blog, however in this article i only talk about that what is blog and what is

So first we discuss that what is blog?

The question is mostly come in those people mind whose come newly in internet world so come to the point and the question is that what is blog?
The answer of this question is that a blog is just like a website in which you can writes about any thing and i said that all website are blog for those how writes for his website.If you are a Software engineer and your are writing articles about software learning tutorial in your website then your website is your blog. I hope this very simple answer and now you understood somethings.

What is blogger?

Before i come to discuss with you, i want to tell you about what is blogger and who one can make himself a blogger. So every person who keeps and update a blog is called blogger. For example you writes article about English language in your blog and you complete some things then you are a blogger and you can said himself that i am a blogger.

What is Or What is or is a free blog platform in which you can make your blog free of cost. is will know is is developed by Pyra Lobs. Pyra Lobs was a company which created the blogger service in 1199. was bought by Google is 2003 and it is a free service to create a free blog. In a user can make up to 100 blogs per account. I hope you learn some thing from my this article, however i will write about making a blog with and how to make money online using step by step. So keep visiting our blog.

If you have some question regarding this post or if you want to gave us some suggestion then kindly use below comment box and do a comment. I will be very happy to do a answer of your question.


2 Responses to “What is Blog? and What is”

naimishika said...
March 7, 2014 at 7:51 AM

Very nice blog and interesting article..

Sikandar Haidar said...
March 12, 2014 at 3:26 AM

Thank you dear

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