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Showing posts with label windows 7 tricks. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How to check graphics card memory in windows 7

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 - 0 Comments

My this article is about Graphics card or VGA memory finding information method in windows 7. In this article i am gonna to share with you 3 simple and easy ways to check the Graphics card or VGA memory information and details finding in windows 7.
VGA and Graphics card both are one, my means that this two names of video card.

Some thing About Graphics card or VGA :

VGA is abbreviation of video graphics adopter or video graphics array. Which are use for displaying our display.
If you have a low memory VGA graphics card and then you can not play and open the High requirements graphics games, videos, software, and much more.
For example you have 64 MB of video card in your PC system or you have a low graphics in your system and you instill the GTA San Andreas game or you have 720p HD video so you can not play game and you can not watch the video with 64 MB graphics card because the minimum requirements of GTA San Andreas is 128 MB graphics card and 720p HD videos minimum requirement is 96 to 128 MB graphics card.
We will publish a post about the VGA soon.

3 ways to check Graphics Card or VGA card memory and it's properties in Windows 7
Here are 3 simple and easy ways to check you Graphics card memory and properties in windows 7

Ways To check Graphics Card Memory in Window 7 :

1st way to check the Graphics card memory in windows 7:
First of all right click on your "Desktop" and click on the "Screen resolution" as shown in the below figure.
check Graphics card memory and it's properties in Windows 7
After clicking on the "Screen resolution"  a new window will be open as shown in the below figure. You can change your screen resolution from "Resolution option". I use screen "1024 X 768" resolution on my system. However click on the "Advanced settings" as shown in the below figure.
check Graphics card memory and it's properties in Windows 7

After clicking on the "Advanced settings" a new window will be open which shown all information of your video adapter. I use 128 MB card of graphic on my system and the below new window which is opened by clicking one "Advanced settings". And you seen that the new window shown all information of my Graphic video card and it's memory. The new window just like the below figure.
check graphics memory in window 7

Now lets come to 2nd way (method) to check the Graphics card memory and it's properties in windows 7. This method is just like our 1st method, but in this method we open the "Screen Resolution" with a new way. and whenever we opened the "Screen Resolution" we will be able to check our Video Adapter information by using the "Advanced settings option".
For opening Screen resolution first of all click the "Window button" on your keyboard or click on start icon which are left side on Taskbar. Then click write "Adjust screen resolution" in Search box and you will find a option to open the "Adjust screen resolution" option above the search box as shown in the below figure. Click on the "Adjust screen resolution" to open the the screen resolution option.
search command in Windows 7
After clicking on the "Adjust screen resolution" option the Screen resolution will be open in a new window as shown in the below figure.
VGA memory finding in windows 7
Now follow the method no 1st to check memory and information of your Graphic card or VGA card.

Now let's come to 3rd method which is very easy. In this method we use the run command option to check out the information of our Graphics card or VGA card.
By using this method you will be learn also that "How to open Run command in windows 7. So let's come to the next method.
First of all click on window button on your keyboard or click on start icon which or your side in taskbar. Then write "Run" in the search box and the search box will show the "Run program" and then click on "Run" as shown in the below figure.
Run command opening in Windows 7
After click on "Run" the Run program will be open in a new window. Now write "dxdiag" and then click on "Ok" as shown in the below figure.
how to check graphics memory by using Run command
After clicking on "OK" the run program will open the "DirectX Diagnotic Tool" in a new window, now click on the Display and your VGA all information will be on display as shown in the below figure.
check VGA in windows 7

I hope you learn some thing from this blog. Now if you have any question regarding the post and if you want to gave some more suggestions to the post then do a comment in below comments section. I will be very happy if you do a comment here.

Monday, January 13, 2014

How to Open Device Manager in Windows 7

Monday, January 13, 2014 - 0 Comments

Device manager is way to update your hardware's settings and instill your driver software. If a person wants to instill it's multimedia drivers or other drivers then first things to do to go to device manager. In this post i am gonna to share with you three simple ways to go to Device manager in windows 7.

1st way to open device manager in windows 7.

In the first way very simple and it is just like window xp procedure. Just right click on "My computer" which are on the desktop and select the "Manage" option as shown in the below figure.
device manager in Windows 7
After clicking on "Manage" a new window will be open. Click on "Device manager" and after clicking your device manager will be open as shown in the below figure. This is first simple way to open the device manager in window 7.
device manager in windows 7
The above procedure is very simple, now lets come to next simple way to one device manager in windows 7. In this procedure we use the window 7 search command which are in start menu. So for this click on the start icon or click window button in your keyboard.
Search for the device manager and the search engine will find the Device manager and then click on The device manager as shown in the below figure.
open device manager in Windows 7 using search
After clicking on Device manager the device manger will be open in a new window as shown in the below figure.
Windows 7 tips and tricks
Now let's come to the 3rd way to open device manager in windows 7. In 3rd procedure we use the Control Panel option to open the device manager. So for this first click on window icon or click window button in your keyboard and open the control panel by click on the control panel as shown in the below figure.
control panel opening in windows 7
After clicking on the control panel the control panel will be open in new window as shown as the below figure. In the control panel is a option "View by" Select the "Category option" and click on the "Large icon" after clicking on large icon the control panel will be open.
windows 7 tips, windows 7 tricks
In the large icon shown control panel click on the device manager as shown in the below figure.
device manager in control panel
Click on the device manager and the device manager will be open as shown in the below figure.
How to Open Device Manager in Windows 7
I hope you lean some thing about this post, keep visiting and share this with your friends.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Driver Update Methods in Windows 7

Sunday, January 12, 2014 - 0 Comments

Windows 7 the one of the best windows, and most people using windows 7, i also use the windows 7. Window 7 is very faster and i like it. But whenever i instill the windows 7 in my PC computer. All drivers are instilled automatically with out Sound driver.
However in some PC systems windows 7 support all drivers and in some windows 7 did not support some drivers or all drivers.
However in today class i am gonna to share with you a simple way to instill the universal drivers to window 7.
As i told that my system did not support Multimedia Audio Controller driver in window 7, so in this class i am gonna a simple way to instill your universal drivers to window 7. I instill the multimedia audio controller driver by using my universal drivers CD dick. and you can also instill the universal drivers from your USB mass storage or you Local disks (in which you have already save universal drivers)

Do'not miss it:
How to instill drivers in Windows XP

So lets start the instillation of Universal drivers in Windows 7 :

First of all right click on "Computer" (my computer) which are on you Desktop and then click on the "Manage" as shown in the below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
After clicking on the "Manage" a new window will be open. Select the "Device Manager" from side bar and then right click on "Multimedia Audio Controller". Which are not instilled then click on "Update Driver Software" as shown in below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
After clicking on "Update Driver Software" a new window will be open. There are 2 option in which the First one is "Search automatically for update driver software" by selecting this option the Wizard will search automatically if the search did not find drivers in system, so if you have internet connection then the Wizard will instill the driver from internet. And if you have not a internet connection then click on the second option as shown in the below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
After clicking of "Browse my computer for driver software" a new window will be open. In new window click on "Browse" as shown in the below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
After clicking on "Browse' select your drivers folder where you save the drivers, and if you have a universal drivers CD or DVD dick then select the folder of universal drivers which are in CD or DVD dick. I have my Universal drivers CD dick in my CD Room.
So i select first "My computer" and then select DVD Room ( or CD Room) in My computer and then click on "OK" as shown in below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
Then click on "Next" as show in the below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
When you click on the "Next" the Update Driver software Wizard searches your driver as shown in the below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
This update driver wizard searches your driver in five minutes and start instillation automatically as shown in the below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
When the driver instillation will complete then click on the "Close" as shown in below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7

That's all click on "Close" and your work is done, my mean's that your sound drivers is successfully instilled. Now if you have any question or you want to gave some more suggestion then do a comment in comments section below.

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