Sunday, January 12, 2014

Driver Update Methods in Windows 7

Windows 7 the one of the best windows, and most people using windows 7, i also use the windows 7. Window 7 is very faster and i like it. But whenever i instill the windows 7 in my PC computer. All drivers are instilled automatically with out Sound driver.
However in some PC systems windows 7 support all drivers and in some windows 7 did not support some drivers or all drivers.
However in today class i am gonna to share with you a simple way to instill the universal drivers to window 7.
As i told that my system did not support Multimedia Audio Controller driver in window 7, so in this class i am gonna a simple way to instill your universal drivers to window 7. I instill the multimedia audio controller driver by using my universal drivers CD dick. and you can also instill the universal drivers from your USB mass storage or you Local disks (in which you have already save universal drivers)

Do'not miss it:
How to instill drivers in Windows XP

So lets start the instillation of Universal drivers in Windows 7 :

First of all right click on "Computer" (my computer) which are on you Desktop and then click on the "Manage" as shown in the below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
After clicking on the "Manage" a new window will be open. Select the "Device Manager" from side bar and then right click on "Multimedia Audio Controller". Which are not instilled then click on "Update Driver Software" as shown in below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
After clicking on "Update Driver Software" a new window will be open. There are 2 option in which the First one is "Search automatically for update driver software" by selecting this option the Wizard will search automatically if the search did not find drivers in system, so if you have internet connection then the Wizard will instill the driver from internet. And if you have not a internet connection then click on the second option as shown in the below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
After clicking of "Browse my computer for driver software" a new window will be open. In new window click on "Browse" as shown in the below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
After clicking on "Browse' select your drivers folder where you save the drivers, and if you have a universal drivers CD or DVD dick then select the folder of universal drivers which are in CD or DVD dick. I have my Universal drivers CD dick in my CD Room.
So i select first "My computer" and then select DVD Room ( or CD Room) in My computer and then click on "OK" as shown in below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
Then click on "Next" as show in the below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
When you click on the "Next" the Update Driver software Wizard searches your driver as shown in the below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
This update driver wizard searches your driver in five minutes and start instillation automatically as shown in the below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7
When the driver instillation will complete then click on the "Close" as shown in below figure.
Driver Update Methods in Windows 7

That's all click on "Close" and your work is done, my mean's that your sound drivers is successfully instilled. Now if you have any question or you want to gave some more suggestion then do a comment in comments section below.


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