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Friday, February 14, 2014

What's Chitika & How to Make Money with it?

Friday, February 14, 2014 - 0 Comments

Earn Extra Income Online From Chitiaks

Every blogger and webmaster want of make a good income online from his website/blog but make money online is not easy. It's wants hard work and some time of your life. Every person love with money and every person want some extra money and most people use online network to earn some good handsome money. There is no one who do'not love with money. In these days online world is a big source to make a good income and every blogger try his best and some of them is success and some are trying to success.
My this article is about to make a good income from your blog using Chitka advertisement network.

What is Chitika :

Chitika is internet advertising company which is founded in "Missachusehs united state" in May 2003. Chitika is search targeted text and mobile advertisement company known is and it is a good alternative of Google Adsense.

How Chitika Work :

Chitika is PPC (pay per click) advertiser company like Google Adsense and its pay when ever a visitor of your website click on  chitika ads which you place on your website/blog.

How Much You Can Earn With Chitika :

Chitika is a advertiser network who pay per click base. So if your visitor click on ad the Chitika pay for this click Chitika CPC rate is $0.01 - $1. However try your best to approval first from Google Adsense, BuySellAds and Infolinks. If your website do'not approval from these ads flatform then apply for Chitika and Chitika will be best for you. Once more that earning on defend on blog getting traffic so if you have a good amount of traffic then you can easily make a good income from any ads company.

Minimum Payout From Chitika :

Chitika pay money on three simple and famouse ways in which are paypal, check, bank wires. The minimum payout i $10 from paypal and $50 from check or bank wires.

Apply For Chitika Network :

If you want to make money online using Chitika network then use the following link to apply for publisher account and hope you will be approval easily form Chitika network.

Massege :
Do hard work and follow seo method to gave you blog on the top, Do'not copy form others and try your best to post unique articles, and if you follow these methods then the time will come soon that you will earn a good income online.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Make Password on RAR format files

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 - 4 Comments

Every person want to make a file/folder in which he/she can safe data from his friends and other peoples. Every one want to create a password on his personal data and safe from his friends. For example if you are a good webmaster and you write some unique articles about SEO (search engine optimization) or you make some videos tutorials for Learning computer software or you make some unique Ebooks and your computer is also use under your friends and you can not create password  on your computer because your computer is also use under your friends but you want to safe your data from your friends then folder hide option is most important option but every one can easily un hide your data. So what shall you do ?.
So do'not worry because i am here, use WinRAR software to create a passworded RAR format file.

Also Read below :
What's WinRAR and it's use
How to compress files to RAR and extract RAR files

How to create password on RAR format file :

First of all instill the WinRAR software in your PC computer and then right click on folder/file to create a RAR format file. For example i have SEO book in my E drive and i want creating password on book using WinRAR software. So for this first right click on the file/folder and then click on the "Add to archive" as shown in the below figure.
How to create password on rar format file part 1
After clicking on the "Add to archive" a new window will be open, there are many option in new window just like General, Advanced, Options, Files, Backup, Time, Comment etc now click on the "Advanced" option and the click on "set password" as shown in the below figure.
set password on rar format file
After clicking on "Set password" a new window will be open, enter password in first place of "Enter password" and retype your password in second "Reenter password ...." option and then click on "OK" as shown in the below figure.
learn archiving with password
After click on a new window will be open, in this window click of "OK" as shown in the below figure.
how to create password on rar format files
After click on "OK" the WinRAR software start archive in RAR format file of your file as shown in the below figure.
compress your file to rar with password
After completing this process you will be find a RAR format file, now check your RAR format file and right click on the RAR file and click on
extracting here format files
Now you will find that Enter password in "Enter password" and then click on "OK".
Enter password in rar extracting
After click on the "OK" and you RAR format file will be extract.

I hope you learn some thing about this post, now if you have any question regarding this post then do ask me in below comments section.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

SEO Tips For Professional Blogging

Sunday, February 9, 2014 - 0 Comments

seo tips to become a professional blogger

8 Best SEO Tips For Professional Blogging :

Blogging is not a game that you post a original article and unique and you become a good blogger and people follow you that you bring some new for visitor. No if you want to become a pro blogger then you must follow some SEO (search engine optimization) methods that you prove your work with search engine. Pro blogger stand for Professional blogger.

This article for those whose are new in blogging and they want to share his unique ideas with all over the world.
There are some SEO (search engine optimization) tips to become a professional blogger.

(1) Chose a Platform for blogging :

To start a new blog, first chose a platform in which you can do your work easily. There are 2 world best blogging platform e.g Blogger and Wordpress. Now if you can do your work easily in then chose and if you can do your work in Wordpress then chose the Wordpress for your blog.

(2) Platform SEO settings:

After chose your platform you must do some SEO (search engine optimization) settings in your blog platform setting.
In Wordpress > setting
In Blogger > setting > Basic

(3) Optimize your blog templates with meta tags :

After creating your blog and you done all your platform SEO setting then optimize your blog templates with meta tags. Most templates have already meta tags and you just open your template HTML and search for "meta" use the Ctrl+f option to find it.
If your template have already meta tags then change only you blog description and you blog key words and if your blog templates have not meta tags then add the below meta tags after <head> tag.

<meta content=’Your Blog Description Here‘ name=’description’/>
<meta content=’Keyword1,Keyword2,‘ name=’keywords’/>

(4) Optimize your blog image :

Image is very important part of our blog but most blogger use image in blog to show it's post
good looking but the never think that image can bring a lot of visitor from search engine.
Just optimize your blog image with title and alt tag.
you can optimize your blog image using the below HTML tags .

        <img src="Your blog image link"
             alt="Your blog alt words"
            title="Your image title"/>

You can also optimize your blog image in blogger using image properties as shown in the
below figure.
blogger image seo settings

(5) Optimize your post title :

Post title is the king of the blog, post title is most important thing of a blog. Chose the
best quality post title using Google key word planner--.

(6) Submit sitemap of your search engine webmaster :

If you done all your work and your website does not index in search engine, it because that
you do'not submit your blog site map in search engine like Google webmaster tool, Bing

(7) Create a your blog profile in social media :

Millions of people use the different social media daily, so there for social media can make a good traffic for your blog, just create your blog profile in social media just like Google+, Facebook etc.

(8) Add your social media like and follow button :

Add your Facebook page like box and Google+ follow box in your blog layout and whenever a visitor happy with your work then he/she will like, or follow your blog in social media. And doing this make a good traffic for your blog from social media.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What is SEO Search Engine Optimization

Wednesday, February 5, 2014 - 0 Comments

seo tips and tricks

Whenever a person wants to make his first website/blog then before they start making website/blog he/she search for important things of website/blog then he/she always find that every person and website suggestion is that SEO is very important for a website and blog and they all are right because a website can be find and visit mostly from search engine and if a website does'not index in search engine then no one can find easily and website does not gave us properties..

What is SEO (search engine optimization) :

SEO stand for Search Engine Optimization and this is a tool to help search engine to find a website. SEO is very easy if you known about search engine and it's work.
If you make a website about learning tutorial about computer software and you do a good SEO (search engine optimization) settings for your website then this SEO setting help search engine to index your website articles/posts to search engine. And whenever a person search for learning computer software tutorial and it's search keyword is related with your website article/posts then search engine show your website link for learning computer software tutorials and this done all with SEO.
Every person make website for earning some money and if you do'not do SEO of your website then no visitor , no earning, no more blogging and and they time will come soon that you stop blogging forever.

Also read it :
What is blog and ?

There are many method and tools to do SEO settings for your website/blog which can get high traffic for your website from search engine.

(1) Platform SEO settings :

First do your SEO (search engine optimization) settings of your blog platform. In Blogger > go to settings and also in Wordpress > go to settings and complete your SEO settings of your platform.

(2) Templates SEO :

Do your SEO settings of your website/blog templates with meta tags etc

(3) Optimize image SEO :

Optimize your website/blog image SEO setting with title and alt tags.

(4) Templates designing :

Design you blog template simple for your visitor and SEO friendly.

(6) Daily Update :

Daily update your blog with unique and original content and do publish post 1 or 2.

(7) Submit sitemap :

submit sitemap of your website/blog in Google webmaster tools, Bing + yahoo sitemap. When you submit your website sitemap in Bing webmaster tools the yahoo submit your website sitemap automatically.

I hope you will learn some thing about this article now if you want gave some suggestion then do a comment in below comments section.

Make money blogging work form home

easiest way to make money online way blogging

Every person wants to earn/make some extra income online and poor population countries people try his best to earn a good income for his families. Every 3rd class man/women try his best to support his families from new ways. Blogging is the best way to earn some extra income from online network. And good webmaster can make a good income using way blogging.

How to start earning with blogging :

If you are a good writer and you are know about a topic, for example you known about computers and PC software then start a blog on or and write unique article about PC software and computers problems. Start blogging with good SEO (search engine optimization) settings and after that whenever your blog are index to search engines and your blog getting some good traffic then buy a custom domain name for your blog e.g Writes always unique and original contents and that's method of work make a trust for you and then your visitor trust you. There are many way to earn a good income with blogging however i share some ways to earn good income.

(1) Apply for ad networks :

Apply with your blog for publisher account to earn a good income. The the first and best way to earn money online . There are some Ad network which will be best for you, such as Google Adsense, Buysellads, Infolinks etc.

Also read it.
How to earn with Google Adsense
How to earn with Buysellads
How to earn with Infolinks

(2) Make a Advertise Us page on your blog :

If you are a good webmaster and you love to your blog and your visitor trust you then he/she will be order to you to place his ads on you blog. This is the great way to earn /make a good income online with blogging.

(3) Sell you own Ad :

You can also earn with your blog to place your own ad. If you want sell some thing or you want sell some thing for a company then you can use your blog for this work and it's gave you a big income.

(4) Using Affiliate advertising :

There are many Affiliate company such as Amazon. Sing up to Affiliate company and earn money on your blog using Affiliate marketing. You can earn a good income per click (like PPC ads networks), per sale, per action.

(5) Sell your products on your blog :

If you are a good webmaster and your visitor trust you then start selling DVD video courses and Ebook on your blog , this is also a good way to earn online.

(6) Ask for Donations :

Make a donations button an your blog, whenever a person happy from your work then he/she want to gave some donations for your blog, this is also a great way to earn online but it's all depends on your work.

I hope now you learn that how to earn way blogging and if you known some more ways to earn money way blogging then do comment in below comments section, however i hope these are the best ways to earn online way blogging. So if you are new then start blogging on a topic and earn a good income online.
Keep visiting and share it with your friends........

Monday, February 3, 2014

Make money online with Infolinks

Monday, February 3, 2014 - 0 Comments


In my this article i am gonna to share with you a new way to make money online and that is which is a good alternative of Google Adsense and BuySellAds. My this post is about "What is infolinks network? and How to make money online with

Also read this :

How to get money fast from BuyselladsHow to money online with Google Adsense

What is ?

Infolinks is an online advertising platform which launched in 2011. Infolinks is PPC (pay par click) adverting company. you can add infolinks ads in frame, in search , in tag, and in text.
Infolinks is a good PPC (pay par click) network for those whose have text base websites and blogs.
infolinks was only displaying text ads but now you can insert infolinks banners ads in your website/blogs.
If you are disapproval by Google adsense then Infolinks is the good for you to make money online, just apply to Infolinsks network and wait for approval.
Infolinks works for small website/blogs which have a small numbers of posts but Infolinks did not approval those blog whose copy from other website/blogs.
You can easily approval with Infolinks if you have website/blog which have some textual types of articles and which are not copy from other websites/blogs and you have some visitor on you blog. You can also make money more than adsense with infolinks network but earning are defends on your website/blog traffic. You can also apply with your blogspot blog and wordpress blog to make money online and you can approval easily if you are not copying from other website/blog. Note that if your are copying from other website then your make money online dream will be only dream and you will be never complete your dream in your real life and one day will come that you will stop blogging so do'not copy from others and love you website/blog.

How much i can earn from Infolinks :

The infolinks CPC rate are good and you can make a good income using Infolinks network, however there is no real answer for this question because online earning are defends on website/blog traffic.

Minimum Payout from Infolinks :

Infolinks pay every month like other ad services e.g Google adsense, if you complete you earning $100 then you can easily transfer you money from infolinks account to Paypal account or bank transfer. If you do'not complete you earning to $100 in on month then wait for  the next moth and when you complete the earning to $100 then you can easily transfer your money from infolinks to Paypal or bank transfer.

Minimum requirements of Infolinks :

Your website/blog must be in English language
Your website/blog have textual articles
Your website/blog  have original contents
Your site have some daily visitor form search engine.
Your website/blog is not about adult contents and illegal contents.

Apply to Infolinks network :

If your website/blog can complete the requirements of Infolinks then apply for a publisher account and earn some income form infolinks network until you are not approval from Google adsense. Use the below links to apply for infolinks network.

Share this with your friends and keep visiting............

Saturday, February 1, 2014

How to make money online with Google Adsense

Saturday, February 1, 2014 - 0 Comments

make money online

My today article is about the Google Adsense, in this article i gonna to tell you about Google adsense and how to make money online with it. Many people known Adsense but those whose do'not know about the Google adsense and  they come to internet newly then i am here to tell you about Google adsense.

What is Google ?

Google is the world number one search engine and i hope there is no one who use internet and they did not known about Google. However i am gonna to tell you some about Google.
As you know that Google is web search engine which is owned by Google inc. And the Google search engine is the most used search engine in the all world.
Google search was developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1997.

What is Google Adsense ?

Google adsense is the best way to make money online and every webmaster and website/blog owner  wish that they have an Google adsense approval account. So come to the point that what is Google adsense.
The Google adsense the world best online advertisement serviving network which is make in June 18, 2003. Google adsense is the best program that allows his publishers in the google network of content sitar to serve automatic, video, text, image advertisements there targeted to website content.
If you are a publisher, my means if you have a website which have unique and original contents which you write himself and you did'not copy from other sites, and you want to earn some money from you website/blog then you can easily earn some extra money by using advertisements on you website/blog. And i hope the Google adsense is the best way to earn money online using your website/blog.

How to earn/make mony online with Google Adsense ?

Google adsense is a PPC (pay per click ) advertiser company where you can earn a good income but if you are a good webmaster and you love your website/blog. If you write unique and original contents on you blog/website and you never copy from other site then you can easily earn a good money using Google adsense.
Read carefully the Google Adsense policy and then apply to the Google adsense on your website/blog, before apply make your blog regarding Google adsense policy.

Minimum Requirements To apply to Google ADsense :

There are some minimum requirements to apply to the google adsense.
Your site age must by 6 months old (if you are from Pakistan and India).
Your site have 300 to 400 visitor dally.
Your site mast me in English language.
Your site have original and unique content (never copy from others website)
You have a your own domain, however you can apply to Google adsense using your blogspot blog.

However i will guide you about apply to Google adsense and more online earning ways. Now if you have any question regarding this post or you want to gave us some suggestion then do a comment in below commenting box.

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