Friday, February 14, 2014

What's Chitika & How to Make Money with it?

Earn Extra Income Online From Chitiaks

Every blogger and webmaster want of make a good income online from his website/blog but make money online is not easy. It's wants hard work and some time of your life. Every person love with money and every person want some extra money and most people use online network to earn some good handsome money. There is no one who do'not love with money. In these days online world is a big source to make a good income and every blogger try his best and some of them is success and some are trying to success.
My this article is about to make a good income from your blog using Chitka advertisement network.

What is Chitika :

Chitika is internet advertising company which is founded in "Missachusehs united state" in May 2003. Chitika is search targeted text and mobile advertisement company known is and it is a good alternative of Google Adsense.

How Chitika Work :

Chitika is PPC (pay per click) advertiser company like Google Adsense and its pay when ever a visitor of your website click on  chitika ads which you place on your website/blog.

How Much You Can Earn With Chitika :

Chitika is a advertiser network who pay per click base. So if your visitor click on ad the Chitika pay for this click Chitika CPC rate is $0.01 - $1. However try your best to approval first from Google Adsense, BuySellAds and Infolinks. If your website do'not approval from these ads flatform then apply for Chitika and Chitika will be best for you. Once more that earning on defend on blog getting traffic so if you have a good amount of traffic then you can easily make a good income from any ads company.

Minimum Payout From Chitika :

Chitika pay money on three simple and famouse ways in which are paypal, check, bank wires. The minimum payout i $10 from paypal and $50 from check or bank wires.

Apply For Chitika Network :

If you want to make money online using Chitika network then use the following link to apply for publisher account and hope you will be approval easily form Chitika network.

Massege :
Do hard work and follow seo method to gave you blog on the top, Do'not copy form others and try your best to post unique articles, and if you follow these methods then the time will come soon that you will earn a good income online.


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