Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What is SEO Search Engine Optimization

seo tips and tricks

Whenever a person wants to make his first website/blog then before they start making website/blog he/she search for important things of website/blog then he/she always find that every person and website suggestion is that SEO is very important for a website and blog and they all are right because a website can be find and visit mostly from search engine and if a website does'not index in search engine then no one can find easily and website does not gave us properties..

What is SEO (search engine optimization) :

SEO stand for Search Engine Optimization and this is a tool to help search engine to find a website. SEO is very easy if you known about search engine and it's work.
If you make a website about learning tutorial about computer software and you do a good SEO (search engine optimization) settings for your website then this SEO setting help search engine to index your website articles/posts to search engine. And whenever a person search for learning computer software tutorial and it's search keyword is related with your website article/posts then search engine show your website link for learning computer software tutorials and this done all with SEO.
Every person make website for earning some money and if you do'not do SEO of your website then no visitor , no earning, no more blogging and and they time will come soon that you stop blogging forever.

Also read it :
What is blog and ?

There are many method and tools to do SEO settings for your website/blog which can get high traffic for your website from search engine.

(1) Platform SEO settings :

First do your SEO (search engine optimization) settings of your blog platform. In Blogger > go to settings and also in Wordpress > go to settings and complete your SEO settings of your platform.

(2) Templates SEO :

Do your SEO settings of your website/blog templates with meta tags etc

(3) Optimize image SEO :

Optimize your website/blog image SEO setting with title and alt tags.

(4) Templates designing :

Design you blog template simple for your visitor and SEO friendly.

(6) Daily Update :

Daily update your blog with unique and original content and do publish post 1 or 2.

(7) Submit sitemap :

submit sitemap of your website/blog in Google webmaster tools, Bing + yahoo sitemap. When you submit your website sitemap in Bing webmaster tools the yahoo submit your website sitemap automatically.

I hope you will learn some thing about this article now if you want gave some suggestion then do a comment in below comments section.


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