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Saturday, March 8, 2014

What's Social Media And Properties Of Social Media

Saturday, March 8, 2014 - 2 Comments

Social Media Complete Guide :

The peoples become advance and they enjoying his life very well against the old generation peoples. When we tank about the past then we find that very one have a low amount of friends and they can not gave an information to all over the world. But now these all things is possible and that all is possible with help of Social Media Websites / Platforms. In this article you will learn about that What is social media ? and what is the properties of social media? This article help very much spicily beginners. As i asked that people become advanced that now every one is able to share his information with all over the world and peoples also able to make friends in all over the world. Here in this article i disuse that how can we use the social media for businesses, how to use to grow our blogs / websites using social media, social media and marketing, social media platforms and much more. However if you want that i explain some thing which you don't understood or we did not explain in this article then ask me in comments section and i will write a article regarding your demand.

social media properties

What is Social media ?

A online place or platform in which people enable to socially with one another. OR A online platform in which peoples can share his ideas , information with one another e.g example Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Digg, Youtube, Blogs etc.
Another example of social media is that a place in which every one can connect with one another, OR A sharing platform in which you can share your information with all over the world. In above example i talked about Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Digg, Youtube etc but i don't explain all the best social media websites in this post now but i want to gave some explanation about Facebook and Youtube, so we first discuss the Facebook and after that Youtube:

Why we can said that Facebook is social media website :

Facebook is the world number one social media platform where we can share our information with one another, we can upload our images , videos and much more. This is a short note  however we will share more learning post soon about the Facebook. So why we said that this is a social media website or platform because we can share our information with all peoples whose use the Facebook platform and this will be not be wrong that if a person use Internet and they have do'not a Facebook account. We connect all our friends and family and we can share every thing with one another just because this is a social media platform.

Why we can said that Youtube is a Social Media Platform :

We all know that Youtube is the world number one video sharing website which is owned by the world number one web search engine Google and why we can said that youtube is a social media website just because this is a free video share website from which people can share his videos with all over the world, OR People can share his information, ideas in the shape of videos with one another and every platform which help people to connect with one another and people can share his information with one another is called Social Media.

Some Common Properties of Social media :

There are many properties of Social media and i can't explain all this post but i will soon do a post about the all properties of Social media.

You can share information on Social Media websites :

Social media platforms is a good place to share your information with one another e.g example you can share your text articles, images, videos, websites links, etc

You can chat with one another on Social Media Platforms :

You can also can get help to connect with one another using chating tool in social media websites, e.g example you can chat with your online friends on Facebook.

You can share videos on Social Media websites :

Social media platforms is best way to share your videos with one another, you can upload you videos to Facebook, Youtube etc and then you can share easily with your friends and family. Always upload videos to those website which on the top of people heard- just like Youtube and if you upload videos to Youtube then every one can view it easily in all over the world and they can also find the video easily using the search engine.

Promote your Business on Social media platforms :

Social media can also help you very much to promote your business, Here i gave an example that how to promote business on Social Media e.g example if you want to promote your business online so for this social media is best sources for you. As i asked that i am gonna to give an example that if you want to sell your products online, e.g example if you have want to promote your business on Facebook then make a page  for your business and advertise. This will gave you a new way to make a good income with your business. This is a very simple example however i will share more information about this topic soon.

Increase Visitor From Social Media :

You can also increase your visitor from social media platform. Share your website links on you social media profile or your wall of and make a good amount of visitor form Social media.

How to make money online From Social Media :

You can also make a good income online way from social media websites / platforms, but you never can not earn online PPC ads ( pay per click advertisements) using Social media platforms but there are many ways form which you can get a high amount of earning online from social media just like Affiliate Marketing , your own ads and much more, in this paragraph i explained shortly about earning online with social media however i will publish a post soon about the earning ways from social media.

Message :

Share this post with your friends on your social media profiles and Make your social media profile or page peoples friendly ant this will help grow in social media filed. Always be happy and take care.

Friday, March 7, 2014

What's Affiliate Marketing and How to Earn Money With It ?

Friday, March 7, 2014 - 0 Comments

Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing :

Earning money online is very important issue and and these days many peoples trying his best to take him self on the top in making money online, because there is nothing possible with out money and whose have money they can take fun form his life. As i ask that Money in important for all our the world people and spicily online earning in important for 3rd class peoples ( poor peoples). Here are i explained a business which we known with the name of Affiliate Marketing. I explained very well and i try my best to explained that What is Affiliate Marketing. How to make money form Affiliate Marketing. There are many free affiliate marketing programs from which you can earn a handsome income. In this article i explained all about affiliate programs and how can i make money from Affiliate Marketing. This article is about the beginners bloggers  which new in blogging field and wants to get money from his blog.

Also Read Below :
Best Mobile Advertising Platform - Make money online
Make money form Google AdSense - Make money online
Earn with Buysellads advertising platform - Make money online
Make a good income online from Infolinks - Make money online
Earn with your website using Bidvertiser ads network - Make money online
Make money from Home doing Blogging - Make money Online
Make Money online way Chitika advertising network - Make money online
How to make money form Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing :

Affiliate Marketing is a good way to earn money online which can be done by anyone which have a good amount visitors on his blog / website or a good amount of likes on his Facebook Page or a good amount of Google+ Follower. If you are a good webmaster and your visitor trust you then its good for you to make a good income online using Affiliate Marketing.

What is Affiliate Marketing :

This post for those who have no knowledge about Affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is program which can be done by every one on their website / blog. In this program a business man run his business on there website and publisher and customers are tow person which complete this program. e.g If a business man run a business of selling  doman names and web hosting, so for this the want a high amount of customers and they did not do this with out help of publishers.So they start a program from which they sell products on other website and when ever a publisher sing up with it they provide it's product ads and publisher place the ads on his website. When ever a visitor of your website buy product with your referral link, then publisher get his commissions which is based on fixed , percent. That's all is Affiliate marketing and i hope now you understood that what is Affiliate marketing.

Can i make money form Affiliate Marketing :

Yes you can make a good income online using Affiliate marketing. There are many advertiser which want to sell it's products way Affiliate marketing.  Chose those Affiliate marketing program which products can sell easily and if you are a  skillful webmaster then it is not be wrong that you make thousands of dollars online per month from Affiliate marketing. So always tank for good Affiliate marketing and apply for those Affiliate marketing which is best and A one for earning money online.

You Need A Website / Blog :

Affiliate marketing will be very hard if you don't have a website or blog, Blogs is the first way to success in Affiliate marketing field. If you have not a blog then you can not get high numbers of customers, and you don't earn a good income way Affiliate marketing. And if you have a blog which rank is good in search engine and gets thousands of visitor per day then you can easily make a handsome income online using the Affiliate  marketing. And it will be very good for you if your website visitor trust you and i if your visitor trust you then it is your responsibility that you place those Affiliate marketing ads on your website which is good for your visitor, not for good for earning. As i discuss that blogging is first root of the making money online way Affiliate marketing so dear webmaster always write unique articles to become a good webmaster , and if you are new in this field and you want to earn online then start a blog regarding SEO (search engine optimization) and hope after 4 months you will make a good income using Affiliate marketing but it's all depends on your work.

Chose Always Good Products :

Chose always good quality products to become a successful Affiliate marketer. Chose always those products which is best in quality and low in rates and best for your readers. This method make a good amount of customers and this will be very great for you to earn online from Affiliate marketing. e.g example in our daily life every person buy those product which is low in rates and it can gave some properties against it's rate. So always try to sell those product which is best for your visitors and they can buy it easily.

Use Social Media Help To Become a successful Affiliate marketer :

Social Media can also help you to become a successful Affiliate marketer. Join top social medias like Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc. And sell Affiliate marketing products on Social media.

Use Emile addresses :

In blogging filed when ever we do some unique and original work and some one like our article which we write then they always want to read every article of our blog and they want to don't miss any article of  our blog, for this  they subscribe our RSS or follow us on Google+, or like us on Facebook. They can also want to  connected with us on social media and this will be very good for you if we note Emile addresses of our fans and when ever we want to sell some Affiliate marketing products then the Emile addresses can help we very much. And they gave some high amount of customers. So always try to note your fans Emile addresses and this method gave you a good amount of earning online way Affiliate marketing.

Message :

I hope this article help you very much however i write this post for beginners which new in this field and wants to make money online. I will write some more article about the Affiliate marketing soon and if new bloggers want to make money online then always write unique and original contents in which he/she is expert. Keep visiting our blog and Like us on Facebook and stay connect with us with our Google+. Always be happy and take care.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Best Mobile Advertising Networks : Make Mony Online

Sunday, February 23, 2014 - 1 Comment

Make Money online Mobile Advertising Networks :

Make money online is very important and every webmaster want a good income online. Every one make website and apply ads on his website and enjoying a handsome income. Today in this article i am gonna to share with you some ways to make money with Mobile website. As we use ads companies for his PC related website same we can use some mobile ads companies which stand for mobile advertisements. You can make money from mobile website. If you are expert in Mobile related topic then make a mobile related website and earn money from it. Here are some ways to make money with your mobile website by placing these website ads on your website.
Earn Money online way mobile advertising networks

4 Best Mobile Advertising Networks :

Ad mob :

Every mobile website owner want a good income online with his mobile website and for earning money online the join a advertising flat form which the first source of earning money online. Here is i am gonna to share with you a mobile advertising plat from which is one of the world best mobile advertising plat from known with name of Ad mob. Ad mob is a world best mobile advertising company which was founded by Omar Hamuni. In November 2009 it was acquired by Google. If you have your own mobile website then this website is best for you to earn money online.

Komili Mobile :

Komili Mobile is one of the world leading advertisements network which work for mobile advertisements. If you want to create a good income online then join this Mobile advertisements platform.

Millennial Media :

Millennial media is also a good mobile advertising website. Mobile websites owner can make a good income using this website. And i hope this will best for mobile websites owners to make money with your mobile websites.

Mob clix :

Mob clix stand 4th number in mobile advertising website in my post. This also a good service to make money online using your mobile website. Make good income is necessary and if you are love to make money online using mobile website and you are expert in mobile apps, or you are expert in another field of mobiles then make a mobile website and apply for Mob clix and you will be earn a good money with it.   

Friday, February 21, 2014

Make Money Online With Bidvertiser

Friday, February 21, 2014 - 0 Comments

Make Money online from Bidvertiser :

Make money online is not easy but it is not also hard to make money online fast and every one can make a good income online using some ways. There are many ways to make money online and one of them make money blogging. Make money blogging is the best way to make money online, for this way to make money, you will make a blog or a website in which you will do some unique post. There are money ways to earn money online with blogging but some of them don't accept new blogs, and website. And money people do this question that can i make money online with by new blog, so i am here to help you there are money advertising website which work for new websites and blogs. In the post i am gonna to share with you a good PPC Pay per click program which is Bidvertiser.

Earning money online form Bidvertiser

What Is Bidvertiser ?

Bidvertiser is an online advertising company which work on PPC (pay per click) base.  Bidvertiser was launched in 2003 by Bpall. This is direct Ads provider company which a publisher select a ads categories for his website. This Ads company is totally different form other PPC (pay per click) website like Google AdSense. Google AdSense and other advertisement websites show Ads using website keyword and show those Ads which is related with website keyword but Bidvertiser is totally different and Bidvertiser show targeted Ads which a publisher select for it's website. In Bidvertiser a publisher select categories of their Ads for there website.

Also read below :
Earn money online for Google AdSense
Make money from Infolinks
Make Money from BuySellAds
Make Money Blogging
Make Good Income from Chitika

How Much I Can Earn from Bidvertiser ?

Earning are defends on website / blog getting traffic. You can make money 1-4 cents per click. However if your website have a good rank then you can easily make  money with Bidvertiser ads platform.

Minimum Requirements  Bidvertiser :

Bidvertiser have no minimum requirements and waiting time for approval. It's does not want minimum impressions per month. Just sing up and start earning with Bidvertiser ads.

Bidvertiser Referral program :

Bidvertiser also provide a referral program to it's publisher and you can earn money more then ads earning if you have a good traffic and following , and this will be very good for you if you write about Make Money online then your visitor apply to Bidvertiser ads platform using your referral link.
Bidvertiser provide 2 ways to earn with referral program.

1st : If a advertiser join Bidvertiser and they spends $10  then Bidvertser send your commission of $5 in your account and if they spends $50 then Bidvertiser send your commission of $20.
2nd : If a publisher join Bidvertiser through your referral link and the he / she complete its earning $10. Bidvertiser send your commission $10 and if he / she complete earning $50 then another $40 will be in your account.

Minimum Payout For Bidvertiser :

The minimum payout of Bidvertiser is $10 for Paypal and wire transfer, $100 for Check. You can payout from Bidvertiser ways Paypal, Check, Shrill, Money Bookers, Westerm union cheque, or by Wire after 30 days.

Bidvertiser is good for small website / blog and you can create a good amount of income. And if you make some referral for Bidvertser then it's very better for you. And you can also create money for buying domain name for your blog. If your are new in blogging then just sing up.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

9 Best SEO Tips For Blog Post

Tuesday, February 18, 2014 - 1 Comment

How to Optimize Blog Post with SEO Tips :

Every blogger want to find always his website/blog on top in search result and for this they work hard and hard. SEO (search engine optimization) is the first and final source of a website to shown on the top of search result. Website seo is very important for a blog, make a blog is easy but work on a blog is very hard and make a good earning with blog is so hard. Making money online is defend on the website articles and it's seo.
My this article is about SEO content writing / writing Blog Post With SEO. The blog post is the main point of a blog and if you do make a post with seo content writing then you can not claim on the top of search engine result.
Now in this article i am gonna to tell you about the writing complete seo post.

Best seo tips for blog post

Also Read The below :
What is SEO Search Engine Optimization
SEO Tips For Professional Blogging 

Here are some Ways to write a Complete SEO  Post :

Keywords Research :

Keywords research is the main point of a blog post if don't use keywords in your post then you can't get high traffic form search engines. Every person use the keywords for his blogs and this the one of the top seo ( search engine optimization) option.
For keywords research Google lunched Google keyword planner, use the Google key word planner to find high quality keywords for your post.
Just sing in the Google AdWords and in the "tools" drop down menu select the keyword planner. Use always high quality keywords for your blog post.

Optimize Post Titles :

Title is the king and if your king is bad then here is no option to  move your blog on the top. Use your keyword which you find or download before writing post and write a good looking and meaning full title for your post. Use good looking title regarding your topic. If you are writing about the "How to optimize blog post title" so for this hope this " SEO tips To  Optimize Post Title" is much better then how to Optimize blog post title.

Optimize Post Image :

Most new blogger use the image in post only to show his blog post handsome. But they never think that this image can make a good visitor from search engine. Always optimize your post image use Title tag and Alt tag. Always use those type of image in your blog post which is related with your blog post.

Key Words in Post :

Use your high visited keyword in your website post, use high visited keyword in your first paragraph and also use bold or italic option for high visited keyword which you use in your blog post. The setting will help you search engine to index your blog post and show your post on the Top of search result. Also keep in mind that use best key words in your blog post which in related with your post topic.

Optimize Heading :

Optimize your heading with best key word which is related with your post. Use h2 tag for heading always.
Use the below option in blogger to use a h2 tag for your Heading.
use heading tag in blogger

Optimize Subheading :

Optimize you subheading with h3 tag, In Blogger just select the you text and then click on "Normal in top menu  and then click on Subheading.

Internal Linking in Post :

When ever you write about a topic then always do some talk about those related topics which you explained on your website, for example you are writing about the "Make Money Blogging" and you already explain the Google AdSense , BuySellAds , Infolinks etc, So gave your related link with your related keyword. And always use your best keywords for your related links.

Use Your own Post URL :

Always use your won Post URL , for example if your blog post title is " How to earn with Google AdSense" So for example your auto link is e.g "" This link is not good for SEO and this will be very best for you if you gave this link e.g "" for your post.

Write Search Description for your post :

Always write a 150 characters meaning full description for you blog post, e.g if you written about " 7 website to download Blogger templates" then for this your description is " A list of websites to download free blogger templates free of cost. You can also find best SEO templates in these websites "

Final words :
Always think unique and do your every post with these seo tips and this will be great for you and if you do not follow the seo tips then you can not get a high traffic from search engine.


What's Gmail & its Properties?

Day by day people become advance. Every person use mobile phones and Email to connect with on anther . Every person use email services to stay connect with all friends and family on online network. My this article is about the world best Email service which every person known with it's name Gmail.
Properties of Gmail, and what is Gmail

What is Gmail :

Gmail is the world number one email service provider which own by the world number one search engine Google. Gmail stand for Google mail. Gmail was created by USA computer programmer and developer Paul Buchheit. Gmail was launched by Google in April 1/2004 and now it is the number one Email service in all over the world. I also use the Gmail service.

Gmail Properties :

Gmail account is all of Google and you can use Gmail account of all of Google services, how ever i share some properties of Gmail account.

(1) You can send and receive emails using the Gmail account.
(2) You can can upload videos to Youtube.
(3) You can make blogs e.g on
(4) You can use Google Adsense with Gmail.
(5) You can use Google Webmaster tools to summit you website site map.
(6) You can use Google Adwords to advertise you ad online.
(7) You can use social media with help of Gmail account e.g Facebook.
(8) You can sing up to Skype using Gmail.

I share up some famous  website which you can use with your Gmail account and there 98 % website which is supported the Gmail account, so if you do not have a Gmail account then make it's free using the Below link.
However i will tech you all about the Gmail, so keep visiting and take care. If you want ot gave some suggestion then do a comment in the below comments section.

Friday, February 14, 2014

What's Chitika & How to Make Money with it?

Friday, February 14, 2014 - 0 Comments

Earn Extra Income Online From Chitiaks

Every blogger and webmaster want of make a good income online from his website/blog but make money online is not easy. It's wants hard work and some time of your life. Every person love with money and every person want some extra money and most people use online network to earn some good handsome money. There is no one who do'not love with money. In these days online world is a big source to make a good income and every blogger try his best and some of them is success and some are trying to success.
My this article is about to make a good income from your blog using Chitka advertisement network.

What is Chitika :

Chitika is internet advertising company which is founded in "Missachusehs united state" in May 2003. Chitika is search targeted text and mobile advertisement company known is and it is a good alternative of Google Adsense.

How Chitika Work :

Chitika is PPC (pay per click) advertiser company like Google Adsense and its pay when ever a visitor of your website click on  chitika ads which you place on your website/blog.

How Much You Can Earn With Chitika :

Chitika is a advertiser network who pay per click base. So if your visitor click on ad the Chitika pay for this click Chitika CPC rate is $0.01 - $1. However try your best to approval first from Google Adsense, BuySellAds and Infolinks. If your website do'not approval from these ads flatform then apply for Chitika and Chitika will be best for you. Once more that earning on defend on blog getting traffic so if you have a good amount of traffic then you can easily make a good income from any ads company.

Minimum Payout From Chitika :

Chitika pay money on three simple and famouse ways in which are paypal, check, bank wires. The minimum payout i $10 from paypal and $50 from check or bank wires.

Apply For Chitika Network :

If you want to make money online using Chitika network then use the following link to apply for publisher account and hope you will be approval easily form Chitika network.

Massege :
Do hard work and follow seo method to gave you blog on the top, Do'not copy form others and try your best to post unique articles, and if you follow these methods then the time will come soon that you will earn a good income online.

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