Monday, January 27, 2014

What is WinRAR? What is the use of WinRAR Software?

Use of WinRAR in our computer

In my this article i am gonna to tell you about a software which we used mostly in PC computer and that is WinRAR. WinRAR is develop by a Russian software engineer Eugene Roshal. WinRAR is a share and data compression utility software and we use WinRAR software for compressing and extracting.

What is the work of WinRAR software :

WinRAR software use mostly for data compressing and extracting. WinRAR support RAR format files and mostly internet download files are in RAR format files.
We use WinRAR software for files to compress to RAR format files and extract the files.
You can compress 1 or more then 1 files to compress to RAR format files and you can also Extract the files to its real format/shape. You can also unzip the zip format files and you can also create Zip format files using WinRAR software.
You can also make a password on your files to by using the WinRAR software. If you are webmaster and you your site are about the Software are games then the WinRAR software is very best for you to make your all software folders to one file and then you can upload it easily. If you download a software from the internet and if the software is in RaR file then use the WinRAR software to extract the RAR file to real format/shape.

In this article i write some some short information about WirRAR, however i will teach you about all software which i have learned. Now if you have any question related with this post then do ask me in comments section below or if you want to gave some suggestion and use the commenting system.


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