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Saturday, February 1, 2014

How to Get Money Fast from BuySellAds

Saturday, February 1, 2014 - 1 Comment

how to make extra money from buysellads

Every person want to earn money online and many people is success to earn a good income online. Most people try to earn/make money online using advertising on it's websites/blogs to earn some extra money. In my today article i am gonna to write about the word 2nd best powerful online adverting network  from which you can earn money more then others platforms like and that's platform is BuySellAds. BSA is the world best advertising platform from which you can earn/make money and you can complete your wish of making money online.
BSA is a good alternative of Google Adsense however BSA is a advertiser platform which terms are very powerful then Google Adsense and other PPC (pay per click) earning platform.

How BuySellAds work :

BSA totally  different from other advertsing platform like Google Adsense. Google Adsense, Infolinsks and other ad netorks works as PPC (pay per click) advertising where if a visitor come to your website/blog and he/she click on your ads which you insert in your website/blog. If you are insert Google Adsense ads and a visitor click on it then Google Adsense pay for this click but BSA work differently from other platform, if you are approval from BSA then it is good for you earn extra income online.
BSA is direct banners ad network if your website/blog approval from BSA then you add/insert blank ad spots inside your website/blog and whenever a advertiser will interested to display his ad on your website/blog then advertiser will contact to the BSA ad platform to gave a order to show his add on your website/blog. The BSA team will contact to you that if you are interest to display the ad and when you accept the ad the BSA start displaying the ad for one month (30 days) and your payment will be confirmed.

How much you can earn from BuySellAds :

Every person wants to know that how much i can earn from BSA. So there is no real answer for this question, it's all defends on you website/blog traffic which getting your website/blog from search engine and other ways. If your website/blog traffic will be high then you can earn/make up to $600 to $700 per month.
One more earning tips are that, earning are defends on your work. If you are a hard working webmaster and you love you website and your visitors and you SEO (search engine optimization) setting is completed then you can easily make money from your website/blog using BSA ad network. And you can support your family with a great income..

Minimum Requirements of BuySellAds :

Here are some minimum requirements of BSA and if you can complete this then apply for BSA publisher account.
(1) BSA Did not accept new websites/blogs if your website/blog age is more then 6 months old then apply for BSA and if you are disapproval from BSA team then reapply after 6 months.
(2) Your website/blog have unique and original contents, BSA do'not approval those websites/blogs which contents are copy from others websites/blogs.
(3) Your website have a custom domain name e.g, BSA do'not approval sub domain names e.g etc.
(4)BSA do'not approval the porn and illegal content related websites/blogs.
(5)Your website have more 100K (100000) impression per months.
(6) Your website have good ranking in Google and Alexa.

Apply for BuySellAds :

If your website can complete this requirements then apply for BSA. And after getting approval you will be able to earn a good income. Use the below link to apply for BSA.

I hope you will earn a good income from BuySellAds, now if you have any question regarding this post are you want to gave some suggestion then use the below comments section. Share with your friends and keep visiting.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

How to compress files to RAR format and how to extract RAR format files

Thursday, January 30, 2014 - 1 Comment

Last time i published a post about WinRAR software and it's use in our PC computer. In this article i am gonna to tell you about how to compress the files/folders to the RAR format file and how can we extract the RAR format file using WinRAR software.
In this post i will show you below that how can you compress a file/ folder to RAR format file and how can you extract a RAR file to it's real format.using WinRAR software. You can also create a Zip format file and also you can unzip zip format file using WinRAR.

Also read it :
WinRAR software use in our PC system

What is RAR format file :

RAR is archive file format and RAR support data compression. You can compress a lot of files and folders to one RAR file, just collect your all data to one folder which you want to compress to RAR format file. You can also create a password on RAR files, however i will post about soon that how to create password on RAR files.

How to compress files to RAR format file :

First of all instill the WinRAR software to your PC computer and then right click on the folder which you want to compress to RAR format file and click on "Add to (folder name).rar" . E.g i want to compress a folder (Sikandar haidar)  which i saved in My Documents as shown in the below figure.
After click on "Add to (folder name).rar" the WinRAR software start processing to compress folder to RAR format file as shown in the below figure.
After complete this process, you will be find your RAR format file as shown in the below figure.

How to extract a RAR format files :

First of all instill the WinRAR software to your PC and then right click on RAR format file which you want to extract and click on "Extract here" as shown in the below figure. You can also use "Extract files..." option to extract the RAR format file.
After click on "Extract Here" option the WinRAR software will start extracting process as shown in the below figure.

After some time the process will be complete and you will fine your folder/files in real format/shape as shown in the below figure.

I hope you learn some this from this post, now if you have any questions regarding this post then do ask me in comments section below, i will be very happy to do answers of your questions. If you want to gave as some suggestion then use the below commenting system.

7 Websites to Download Blogger Templates

Free Blogger Templates downlaod

7 Websites To Download Free blogger Templates :

Blogger is the world best free blogging platform where you can create/make your blog free of cost. The services are free from Google and you can create your blog in a few minutes. do not require any extra requirements and you can easily create your blog any time.Just create a Gmail account and then use your Gmail account for creating your blog in Whenever some one create/make his first blog they apply Blogger default template which are very simple and not mach with your requirements.
Every person wants to create/make his blog good looking and professional and for making your blog good looking and professional you mast change you blog template. So you want to change you blog template and your blog is hosted on, first thing to do find and download a good looking and professional template for your blog.
So i am here to help you to find a good looking/professional template for your blog, in the article i am gonna to share with you 7 best website from where you can download best blogger templates free of cost.

(1) stand 1st number in my list where you can find and download free a lot of high quality and SE0 Blogger templates. You can download technology templates, multimedia templates, gallery templates, magazine templates for your blogs. was created by Syed Faizal Ale ( a young talented Pakistani blogger). Visit the site and enjoy free blogger templates.

(2) stand 2nd number in by list.This is a big website to download free blogger templates. The owner of this website makes templates himself and then publishes for free. you can download a lot of unique blogger templates for your blogger blog.

(3) stand 3rd number in my free blogger templates website list where you can download free blogger professional and good looking templates. is the best website to download free blogger templates however you can also download free wordpress templates for your wordpress blog. was founded in 2007 by David Cogill, if you want to use to download templates for blogger and wordpress blogs then the it the best website for you.


Bestbloggertemplates stand number 4th in my free blogger templates website list. you can download any type of blogger templates from this website. You can also search for you good looking templates and you can also select a templates color for blogger blog. If you want to find a high quality template then is good website for you.


Delexe is the best way to find all blogger templates. You can also download free wordpress templates for your blog/website. If you want to use one templates website for both platforms then is good for you.


This is of the best website where you can download a lot of blogger templates free of cost. You caan find a large number of blogger template and if you find you a template for your blog and you want to instill to you blogger blog then you can download from this website and the interesting things is that the website gave full instructions to instill the any template before downloading. If you are new in blogging field then download  template from this website.


This website for good place to download free blogger templates and you can also download free wordpress templates. This the one of the city of blogger and wordpress templates, and you can download free templates for both platforms.

I hope you will be find your favorite templates from these websites, now if you want gave some suggestion or you know about more free blogger templates websites then do post in below comments section.

Monday, January 27, 2014

What is WinRAR? What is the use of WinRAR Software?

Monday, January 27, 2014 - 0 Comments

Use of WinRAR in our computer

In my this article i am gonna to tell you about a software which we used mostly in PC computer and that is WinRAR. WinRAR is develop by a Russian software engineer Eugene Roshal. WinRAR is a share and data compression utility software and we use WinRAR software for compressing and extracting.

What is the work of WinRAR software :

WinRAR software use mostly for data compressing and extracting. WinRAR support RAR format files and mostly internet download files are in RAR format files.
We use WinRAR software for files to compress to RAR format files and extract the files.
You can compress 1 or more then 1 files to compress to RAR format files and you can also Extract the files to its real format/shape. You can also unzip the zip format files and you can also create Zip format files using WinRAR software.
You can also make a password on your files to by using the WinRAR software. If you are webmaster and you your site are about the Software are games then the WinRAR software is very best for you to make your all software folders to one file and then you can upload it easily. If you download a software from the internet and if the software is in RaR file then use the WinRAR software to extract the RAR file to real format/shape.

In this article i write some some short information about WirRAR, however i will teach you about all software which i have learned. Now if you have any question related with this post then do ask me in comments section below or if you want to gave some suggestion and use the commenting system.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

What is Blog? and What is

Saturday, January 25, 2014 - 2 Comments

what is blog, what is blogger, what is

In this article, i am gonna to tell you about "What is blog?" , and What is".  If a person wants to make a website then i hope the first thing to make a blog, however in this article i only talk about that what is blog and what is

So first we discuss that what is blog?

The question is mostly come in those people mind whose come newly in internet world so come to the point and the question is that what is blog?
The answer of this question is that a blog is just like a website in which you can writes about any thing and i said that all website are blog for those how writes for his website.If you are a Software engineer and your are writing articles about software learning tutorial in your website then your website is your blog. I hope this very simple answer and now you understood somethings.

What is blogger?

Before i come to discuss with you, i want to tell you about what is blogger and who one can make himself a blogger. So every person who keeps and update a blog is called blogger. For example you writes article about English language in your blog and you complete some things then you are a blogger and you can said himself that i am a blogger.

What is Or What is or is a free blog platform in which you can make your blog free of cost. is will know is is developed by Pyra Lobs. Pyra Lobs was a company which created the blogger service in 1199. was bought by Google is 2003 and it is a free service to create a free blog. In a user can make up to 100 blogs per account. I hope you learn some thing from my this article, however i will write about making a blog with and how to make money online using step by step. So keep visiting our blog.

If you have some question regarding this post or if you want to gave us some suggestion then kindly use below comment box and do a comment. I will be very happy to do a answer of your question.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How to check graphics card memory in windows 7

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 - 0 Comments

My this article is about Graphics card or VGA memory finding information method in windows 7. In this article i am gonna to share with you 3 simple and easy ways to check the Graphics card or VGA memory information and details finding in windows 7.
VGA and Graphics card both are one, my means that this two names of video card.

Some thing About Graphics card or VGA :

VGA is abbreviation of video graphics adopter or video graphics array. Which are use for displaying our display.
If you have a low memory VGA graphics card and then you can not play and open the High requirements graphics games, videos, software, and much more.
For example you have 64 MB of video card in your PC system or you have a low graphics in your system and you instill the GTA San Andreas game or you have 720p HD video so you can not play game and you can not watch the video with 64 MB graphics card because the minimum requirements of GTA San Andreas is 128 MB graphics card and 720p HD videos minimum requirement is 96 to 128 MB graphics card.
We will publish a post about the VGA soon.

3 ways to check Graphics Card or VGA card memory and it's properties in Windows 7
Here are 3 simple and easy ways to check you Graphics card memory and properties in windows 7

Ways To check Graphics Card Memory in Window 7 :

1st way to check the Graphics card memory in windows 7:
First of all right click on your "Desktop" and click on the "Screen resolution" as shown in the below figure.
check Graphics card memory and it's properties in Windows 7
After clicking on the "Screen resolution"  a new window will be open as shown in the below figure. You can change your screen resolution from "Resolution option". I use screen "1024 X 768" resolution on my system. However click on the "Advanced settings" as shown in the below figure.
check Graphics card memory and it's properties in Windows 7

After clicking on the "Advanced settings" a new window will be open which shown all information of your video adapter. I use 128 MB card of graphic on my system and the below new window which is opened by clicking one "Advanced settings". And you seen that the new window shown all information of my Graphic video card and it's memory. The new window just like the below figure.
check graphics memory in window 7

Now lets come to 2nd way (method) to check the Graphics card memory and it's properties in windows 7. This method is just like our 1st method, but in this method we open the "Screen Resolution" with a new way. and whenever we opened the "Screen Resolution" we will be able to check our Video Adapter information by using the "Advanced settings option".
For opening Screen resolution first of all click the "Window button" on your keyboard or click on start icon which are left side on Taskbar. Then click write "Adjust screen resolution" in Search box and you will find a option to open the "Adjust screen resolution" option above the search box as shown in the below figure. Click on the "Adjust screen resolution" to open the the screen resolution option.
search command in Windows 7
After clicking on the "Adjust screen resolution" option the Screen resolution will be open in a new window as shown in the below figure.
VGA memory finding in windows 7
Now follow the method no 1st to check memory and information of your Graphic card or VGA card.

Now let's come to 3rd method which is very easy. In this method we use the run command option to check out the information of our Graphics card or VGA card.
By using this method you will be learn also that "How to open Run command in windows 7. So let's come to the next method.
First of all click on window button on your keyboard or click on start icon which or your side in taskbar. Then write "Run" in the search box and the search box will show the "Run program" and then click on "Run" as shown in the below figure.
Run command opening in Windows 7
After click on "Run" the Run program will be open in a new window. Now write "dxdiag" and then click on "Ok" as shown in the below figure.
how to check graphics memory by using Run command
After clicking on "OK" the run program will open the "DirectX Diagnotic Tool" in a new window, now click on the Display and your VGA all information will be on display as shown in the below figure.
check VGA in windows 7

I hope you learn some thing from this blog. Now if you have any question regarding the post and if you want to gave some more suggestions to the post then do a comment in below comments section. I will be very happy if you do a comment here.

Monday, January 13, 2014

How to Open Device Manager in Windows 7

Monday, January 13, 2014 - 0 Comments

Device manager is way to update your hardware's settings and instill your driver software. If a person wants to instill it's multimedia drivers or other drivers then first things to do to go to device manager. In this post i am gonna to share with you three simple ways to go to Device manager in windows 7.

1st way to open device manager in windows 7.

In the first way very simple and it is just like window xp procedure. Just right click on "My computer" which are on the desktop and select the "Manage" option as shown in the below figure.
device manager in Windows 7
After clicking on "Manage" a new window will be open. Click on "Device manager" and after clicking your device manager will be open as shown in the below figure. This is first simple way to open the device manager in window 7.
device manager in windows 7
The above procedure is very simple, now lets come to next simple way to one device manager in windows 7. In this procedure we use the window 7 search command which are in start menu. So for this click on the start icon or click window button in your keyboard.
Search for the device manager and the search engine will find the Device manager and then click on The device manager as shown in the below figure.
open device manager in Windows 7 using search
After clicking on Device manager the device manger will be open in a new window as shown in the below figure.
Windows 7 tips and tricks
Now let's come to the 3rd way to open device manager in windows 7. In 3rd procedure we use the Control Panel option to open the device manager. So for this first click on window icon or click window button in your keyboard and open the control panel by click on the control panel as shown in the below figure.
control panel opening in windows 7
After clicking on the control panel the control panel will be open in new window as shown as the below figure. In the control panel is a option "View by" Select the "Category option" and click on the "Large icon" after clicking on large icon the control panel will be open.
windows 7 tips, windows 7 tricks
In the large icon shown control panel click on the device manager as shown in the below figure.
device manager in control panel
Click on the device manager and the device manager will be open as shown in the below figure.
How to Open Device Manager in Windows 7
I hope you lean some thing about this post, keep visiting and share this with your friends.

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